New Gemini Moon 24

Written by: Ryan Evans

June 6, 2024


It gives us great pleasure to collaborate with our global community and share their brilliance. In this respect, our blog this month, an evolutionary astrology reading given by, Ryan Evans, Master Certified Astrologer, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner/Master Teacher, part of our PureEsperanza Global Community (where you can learn more about Ryan and others) needs no introduction. His words are typically impactful and provide profound insights with an uncanny ability to resonate with what is living in us at the moment. Enjoy and without further ado… 

New Gemini Moon 24

June 6 2024, 7:36 am Central

Sun Conjunct Moon Conjunct Venus in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces

There is just so much. It is all so much. Sometimes it’s simply too much! From the unpaid bills and receipts yet to file, to the cleanup from graduation, (let alone the spring cleaning we missed), there is just so much. And that’s just what’s going on in our immediate surroundings! Bringing things in on the global scale amplifies the anxiety.

Even with removing emotions like fear or sorrow or anger from the equation, we still have so much to do, so much going on, and so many details to manage.

Does it ever end? It culminates, but the circle goes round and round. This part of the cycle is right before the full bloom. Gemini is the season of details. It is this part of the year where, if we were a sunflower, we would be nearing the height of our growth. We would be putting out our first flowers and opening them up to the world. We would be asking for bees to pollinate us, knowing that we needed help if we were to perpetuate our genes.

It is in this season when the farmer may be doing a little bit of everything. We can be planting, harvesting, tilling, cultivating, watering, and patiently waiting for things to grow all at the same time. The farmer has to be at once a soil scientist, climatologist, geneticist, mechanic, accountant, grunt, CEO, and probably a parent, too! These are the days when you see us farmers moving at about 100 miles an hour. Everything goes so fast. There is just so much.

Welcome to our New Gemini Moon, where we set the intention of having the peace of mind necessary to deal with it all and the ‘wisdom of mind’ necessary to not allow the superfluous and unnecessary to distract us from what is really important.

Yes, the 10,000 things to do have their importance. But with Saturn squaring this lunation with the nudge of friction, it is time for us to come to terms with changes which need to be made in our being which can help us remember what is actually important- as we let go of certain things which have lost their value.

We are asked to come back to our most basic internal truths, and not allow ourselves to be consumed by the minutia and the chaotic. It’s imperative that we follow our dreams yet disregard our illusions. The difference between them might be thin. Therefore, it’s necessary that we trust our intuition and answer the following questions: Does this help to make my life easier? If not, will it help after a period of adjustment? Is this resonant with my internal being? Does this help me to feel more peace?

Saturn, astrologically, is the bones in our body, as well as the skin upon it, reflecting the foundational structures of our life as well as the boundaries between our being and the rest of the world. When we do Saturn consciously, we are adhering to the most basic natural laws, as well as our most core identity. We also understand the best use and application of our being into the world, where we are strong, focused, and wise.

So, consider this month a test. I don’t like to predict the future so I don’t know what’s going to happen, but the portends suggest that we take a really good look at our lives and see what we might be holding onto that we actually need to let go of, perhaps in wise preparation for the yet unseen future. Are we choosing healthy habits? Are we eating the right food? Are we thinking the best thoughts? Are we perceiving in the clearest way? Are we lost in illusion in some areas? What works well in our lives? How can we expand on that as we let go of what does not work? WHOM must we let go of who is a distraction, encumbrance, or agitator?

With this New Moon, set the intention for listening to our greatest vision for our life while following through with the necessary actions to see it manifest. In this process there may be things, ideas, perceptions, people, engagements, or beliefs to let go of. That is a very good thing! Let them go. Move toward what fills us with life, and all will be well.

©RyanEvansAstrology 2024

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