
Written by: Esperanza

PureEsperanza, NFP is dedicated to bringing forth more Consciousness while educating our body, mind and soul in the art of well-being.

July 2, 2020


With our economy re-opening, social outcry, systems collapsing and opening up to more unknowns, our Founder Esperanza Smith was inspired to write this piece as PureEsperanza prepares a virtual platform for El Hogar, an international center for conscious education. Learn more about Esperanza Smith as a holistic educator, writer, and motivational speaker on her personal website.


To what?

Have you heard that as of late? Return to…

the way things were? a new norm? return to…?

There are re-openings happening.

There are values being re-evaluated.

There are old wounds being re-treated.

There are collapsing systems being re-thought.

There are emotional energies being re-activated.

There are fresh inspirations being re-imagined.

There are countless seeds being re-planted.

These statements and more suggest that change is happening on many levels and all at once. We are living and experiencing a time of great transition. In all these transitions, there are intimate and deep questions to ask ourselves.

What Return to?

Clearly, what once was, is no longer.

Or is it?

There are many fractals of light within a prism as such is the way of wisdom. This one of “Return” was caught, like a firefly, in the time of summer solstice and an eclipse. Its light, pulsing, in and out, throughout the dark of night. Its light reaching into worlds beyond and into the world Within, all at once; and then, set free again.

Return. It spoke in unison with Mother Earth, heart, soul, and Spirit. It was still. It was bold. It was silent. It was loud. Unto this moment, It is clear. Return.

The ways may be many, but a Return is happening alongside with this time of great transition.

The Return is aligned with a restorative balance Within and without. In all the ways it speaks to you, listen to what Return calls out to you. As you begin to remember, allow the memories from eons ago and ancestral roots and all four kingdoms, and nature wisdom be part of your Return.

Then trust in this invisible wisdom speaking to us and that each in our own unique way is aligning with our Return. Let go of what your mind may think it should look like. These ways and our Return will not conform to the limits of the mind. They will resonate more with your heart. Their frequency will vibrate in your soul. You know when you mingle with Spirit and Its Wisdom in countless forms and the formless. Let it simply, lovingly, transition your Return.

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