
Written by: Esperanza

PureEsperanza, NFP is dedicated to bringing forth more Consciousness while educating our body, mind and soul in the art of well-being.

April 5, 2024


In honoring Earth Day and the communions of coming to know ourselves more and within all our relationships, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Holistic Educator, PureEsperanza Founder & Executive Director, Esperanza Smith, takes us on a journey this month. Weaving and casting a spell on the eternal moments we experience the rapture of Oneness, Wholeness, that is believed to be the medicine we all need for living in these perplexing times.It is her intent to offer peace with each of our communions taking us deeper into those sacred dimensions of our Self. She believes that there are many who are already consciously contributing to the consciousness shift of our times. You will find others on our global community page making stronger connections all around the planet.

We all have had Communion in moments of Life. It may be described as to Commune, become One with the fullness of Presence. These are moments sprinkled here, there, everywhere, if we, but take notice.

Some find it in a place of worship. Some find it in nature. Some find it among the crowds. Some find it at mealtimes, upon waking, or going to sleep. Some find it in the arms of a loved one. Some do it when they do not know which way to turn. It matters not in which place or time. It’s the moment, we give to and allow for it to Be; and it is in this Holy Communion that we are called to Live, to Grow, to Learn, to Heal, to Forgive, to Transform and to Love, In All Its Fullness… Presence. 

In the art of living, we balance and weave the physical and spiritual planes, blend the thoughts, feelings, intellect, emotions, intuitive perceptions, and more, all varying in degrees. Communion can become the balance between worlds, dimensions, and our immersion into a wholeness that allows for greater illumined guidance.

As we attune ourselves to the subtleties of our daily lives and experiences, we can offer a gesture of goodwill and kindness to ourselves by taking time for Communion. In this time, in humanity’s history and evolution, the pace is highly accelerated. The outer world, the inner world, and our parts in them are all moving forward in what can feel like a Whoosh! It may seem that each creates a life of their own when indeed we are Life Itself. There is no way around, no way out, but through it, and through it becomes a Communion.

“Know Thyself” speaks to us again and again. Know when and how to pause. Take out your “special bag of tricks”. Yes, you are not only the magician, but magic itself! Oh yes, do call your assistants, nature and its Elemental Beings, your ancestral lineage, the elders, your guides, the saints, the enlightened souls, the angels, the Ascended Ones, Spirit, Presence, all the ways which you perceive your allies. In this time, we are living, they have crossed our paths with the awakening that is occurring everywhere and is happening to us all. Call up the ways in which you will express and serve in your own unique Life. It is needed. You are needed. The earth needs us. We need Us.

It seems that now, perhaps, more than ever, it is of vital importance to our health, whole well-being, to engage in all the intentional ways we enter the depths of knowing ourselves and the fullness of Presence. The ways are infinite, inclusive, dynamic, and customized for each of us! Explore, discover, play with, experience the “magic”, and just how magnanimous of a Universal gesture this is towards humanity and the unfoldment in understanding our wholeness as we circle around with our Communion. 

Breaking bread with you, dancing with you, weeping with you, healing with you, laughing with you, learning with you, listening with you, forgiving with you, creating with you, transforming with you, loving with you, shining with you, imagining, at this moment, sharing Communion with you, as you go about your day, sleep tonight, and breathe Life into Being, upon this dear planet, Mother Earth… into the fullness of this moment… with Presence.

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