Healing Foods and Herbs

Written by: Esperanza

PureEsperanza, NFP is dedicated to bringing forth more Consciousness while educating our body, mind and soul in the art of well-being.

March 18, 2020



On this hump day in A Week of Well-Being: Holistic Prevention for COVID-19, we want to express the monumental opportunities we are given during this time of the pandemic. One such way is with our food intake. There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there about food and we never attempt to steer people to “one way”, but rather share and create learning experiences.

A few weeks ago, we gave a free webinar on our series, “In The Art Of Living: Know What A Meal Is Worth.” We mention it here because it focused more on the How you eat instead of what to eat, which cannot be underestimated. It is something that you can certainly put into practice, tonight with your family or even just yourself. It will enrich your eating experience by its dynamic nature for making stronger connections with your food and one another. You can catch the recording here. This is invaluable at a time when we all need to prevail a stronger sense of connection over isolation.

Now, on the other side and not to downplay the importance of What you eat either which is what we will focus on in this blog. Specifically, we wish to address the kinds of foods that will support you while facing our world concern of COVID-19. We hope you can feel the blessing and thankfulness in knowing that we are given so many “tools” for our well-Being and healing; and in this feeling we hope you also feel the inspiration of connection with one another and Life.

Some foods and herbs contain anti-3CL substances. These foods and herbs may protect the cell’s ability to protect itself against the coronavirus by destroying the 3CL enzyme. The best known anti-oxidants for destroying free radical cell damage such as 3CL enzyme is quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate. They can be found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts and specifically green tea and green tea extract. (see links)

These anti-3CL substances are also found in:

· flax seed
· citrus peel · orange peel
· tick berry leaves
· oregano
· garlic
· ginger
· elderberry
· turmeric

So, go ahead, grate it, sprinkle it, chop it, shave it, Eat and Drink it! Add it to your morning, afternoon, evening meals, and for snacks, too. Learn some new recipes. Sip a new calming herbal tea, Go to the links in this blog, research them, discover all kinds of foods that have anti-3CL’s, and learn some more! Here’s just another opportunity that’s beckoning for You to get creative! Let this be a positive side to all that we All are facing.

#WeAreAllinThisTogether and let us not forget that! Check here tomorrow, when we will share more holistic prevention for COVID-19 with essential oils and beautiful ways to incorporate mindful practices with them, too!

[Photo: Zahrin Lukman}

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