Balaka is a cross between a sloth and a chameleon, their right and left brains blended to evolve into an empath. To find deeper solutions to life’s obstacles with her empowered mindset of healing spirituality. Passionate about the environment, Balaka helps green businesses elevate their message and reach out to a larger audience. Trained by American Writers and Illustrators Inc. in writing and marketing, Balaka is well-equipped with the tools for online marketing. She envisions a world where eco-responsible products and services will replace the dig-make-use-throw system. Balaka has a special bond with water. She helped create an upper-elementary water conservation curriculum that includes an all-color graphic book, card games, posters, stickers, and hands-on activities. She is now promoting it in the US market. Balaka believes in building grassroots awareness for a simple, low-waste life, showcasing her own enthusiasm for reusing resources, and buying alternative products.
Lily Li
Master Light Language Activator