A Basic Need: Inspiration

Take a moment, close your eyes, and in the next breath remember a moment when you felt deeply inspired. That impression lingering, so potent that its feeling, the experience, still carries a charge in your emotional body. Perhaps, in your physical body and mental...

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Feelings, Revealings

Everyone of us have experienced difficult emotions with varying degrees of effectively processing and embracing them fully. Royce Morales, creator of Perfect Life Awakening, part of our PureEsperanza Community, and guest blog writer this month gives excellent and...

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healthier lifetsylt, wellbeing

Welcoming Chaos?

Do you consider yourself an artist? Whether or not it's a hobby, past time, or your profession does not change that you get to use your creative power to create your life.  The fact that you are a having a human experience makes you an artist in this regard. Karen...

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Benefits of Herbal Teas

Roman Vaynshtok, part of our PureEsperanza Community, returns as one of our guest blog writers this month. In this article Roman, founder of Peace and Balance Reiki Center brings his years of holistic studies and expertise in natural herbs to the forefront of...

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Scrutiny Before The Sword

It is our our great pleasure and with much esteem that we share with you this month our featured guest writer, Isabelle Blum. also having been featured on on our Community page. Isabelle provides us with a unique and distinct look into the wonders of ourself and...

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energy, healing, I Am

Our Biofield In Relation To Our Health

"Our energy field is a software, and every chemical reaction in our body is a hardware response." ~ Roman Vaynshtok ~ This month we are honored to share the knowledge and wisdom of Master Reiki healer, Roman Vaynshtok and you can read his Bio on our Community page....

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electromagentic energy fields, biofield, luminous energy field, healing, holistic

One Farmer’s Reflections

Every now and then you stumble upon some random and perhaps, an appointed meeting that deeply impacts and stays with you long after. This happened with a new friend, Lauren Virnoche of Ecotone Herbs. Her "Farm Update" arrived just as we entered this holiday season....

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bounty, abyndance, gratitude, farming, earth, nourish, earthmedicine, PureEsperanza