Naked and Unadorned

Naked and Unadorned

Having lived a predominantly unconventional life and living what has felt like several lives in one, I recognize that while there seemingly have been detours that there has been a path that I have been carving out for myself all along. Many times in Life, I read, saw,...


Bulging, large, child-like, wondering eyes peered out from behind the disheveled, uncleanly figure in torn, over-sized clothing, that sat passively on the stool, in the corner of the ice cream shop. Our order had been completed and we walked around looking for a place...
A Path to Pause

A Path to Pause

She hurried along preoccupied by the tasks waiting for her that day, estimating the time, running through her mind’s checklist. First it was the color that caught her eye, then the smell of autumn leaves falling with the gentle wind passing by. She looked toward...