Reconsider, Redefine, Rename

Reconsider, Redefine, Rename

Tahquamenon Falls Photo: ESmith On paths of Consciousness, we all find our ways into Its process of Becoming and Being. Along this path we will encounter “3R” words, and they aren’t the familiar reading, writing and arithmetic. These words will...


Bulging, large, child-like, wondering eyes peered out from behind the disheveled, uncleanly figure in torn, over-sized clothing, that sat passively on the stool, in the corner of the ice cream shop. Our order had been completed and we walked around looking for a place...
What Is Real Anyway?

What Is Real Anyway?

I have had a nagging thought lately, not in an unpleasant way, but more as of a persistent matter that I’m compelled to write about. It has popped out while I’ve contemplated people’s shares on social media. It has crept in when I have contemplated...
Celebra la Vida

Celebra la Vida

Hallows Eve 2017 finally rolled round, but earlier on in October another preparation was taking place.  It started with a Facebook post soliciting interest in this year’s Detroit Institute of the Arts: La Ofrenda exhibit. La Ofrenda means “the...


Digging in my toolbox, as I work and play with a new day, I find “art” right there at the top, one of my “go-to” tools, like that screwdriver that I keep handy and have multiple, creative, uses for. It’s been a reliable tool all my life....