I Am Free

I Am Free

These are three simple words, ” I Am Free” and it really begins with only the first two. This is the hallmark of becoming a creator with Life and all the marvelous collaboration that goes with that. Merely, speaking these words with focus and intention can...
Jim Gale

Jim Gale

At the age of 19 Jim first wrote his goals thanks to the urging of his wrestling coach. He wrote that he wanted to become a 3 time All-American National champion. 4 years later, he achieved 4 time All-American and National Champion status. He then traveled the world,...
Beverley Matali

Beverley Matali

Beverley created a “Peace and Healing Harmony” blog and a YouTube Channel. She has been an intuitive, healer and psychic since her childhood. With an international background, Canadian by birth and allied with African roots. Reiki Master and Yantha...
Christine Freeland

Christine Freeland

Christine Freeland, Founder of Sirius Leadership, LLC., loves teaching people and works with groups, leaders, businesses, and organizations on how to cultivate Harmony within themselves, with each other, and with the living world. She does this by re-connecting people...
Earth Medicine

Earth Medicine

This article has been rewritten, reposted, and reshared several times. One of those pieces that time and time again reappears as befitting to recall. This spring and in the lovely month of May, we hope that it serves you in all the ways our earth medicine is available...