Earth Medicine

Earth Medicine

This article has been rewritten, reposted, and reshared several times. One of those pieces that time and time again reappears as befitting to recall. This spring and in the lovely month of May, we hope that it serves you in all the ways our earth medicine is available...
Self-Love and Self-Compassion

Self-Love and Self-Compassion

The month of February is a great time to talk about LOVE. There is a special kind of Love that we are not talking about often enough. I talk about Self-Love. Nitin Nambeo ones said: “You become the best version of yourself when you know the value of self-love.” I...
Feeling Good!

Feeling Good!

Feeling Good! Notice the exclamation point. Sit with that for a few moments. Repeat it three times to yourself. Every time you repeat it notice the thoughts and feelings that come up for you. What are they? Can you identify them? Now, if you can easily imagine,...
The Journey Without A Finish Line

The Journey Without A Finish Line

 In this season of celebrating and gifting Love, Balaka Ghosal gifts us with her third piece in this series. It is one of those timeless pieces that go “Beyond Valentine – Infusing Love Into Everydayness” as was shared in our new virtual event series...